Farm Animals Make Life Better
Photo via Pexels
I am a frequent visitor to TnF Farms, usually about once a month for a few days. My regular visits have been over the last few years since Tim and Faith moved to Tallahassee to start their farm. I am no stranger to farm life, as I have had horses growing up, and I much prefer it over city living. During my visits, I help Faith with farm chores, lend a helping hand on projects, become a goat midwife, and get my much-needed farm fix. I have always had a deep connection with animals in general, but there’s just something inherently special about farm animals.
Connecting with Nature’s Therapists
On all of my visits, as soon as I pull up to the farm gate I feel this overwhelming sense of peace and happiness. I feel like I can breathe and just be. It’s an addicting feeling and absolutely one of the reasons I enjoy my visits to TnF Farms so much. One of the first things I do when I get to the farm, after being greeted by a very excited Dobby, is go straight to the animals to spend time with them all. Daphne gets her special head scratches, the piggies get belly rubs, and the chickens get some special treats. I even make sure to give the farm kitties some love, too. I am at my happiest just being out with the animals and deepening my connection with them. All my stress and worries melt away and my thoughts are finally quiet.

Dobby the Greeter
Goats Give The Best Hugs
One of my favorite things about the TnF Farms goats is how personable they are. They all have their own personalities and are super honest about how they feel. You’ll have no problem telling if a goat likes you or not. Since I’m such a frequent visitor, all the animals know me and have a relationship with me. The goats will come straight up to me for pets and attention. Two of the new goats to the farm, River and Keeva, are some of the kindest goats I have ever met. They will come to you immediately for hugs and affection. All the goats would be absolutely happy if you just spent all day loving on them.
Belly Rubs for Days
Tim and Faith put so much time, effort, and love into their animals. This is evident in how the animals act and behave. How many piggies do you know that roll over for belly rubs excitedly? There is just something so humbling about a big 200-pound American Guinea Hog rolling over and showing its belly for belly rubs. The trust and gentleness these pigs show us is such a powerful contrast to how our society is today. There is no negativity, uncertainty, or guessing, just contentedness and belly rubs.
Whether you are looking for amazing farm fresh products like eggs, pork, or goat milk, or companionship and connection, TnF Farms has it all. I am so grateful for my experiences at TnF Farms and cannot wait to see what the future has in store for this amazing farm.