Farm fresh eggs

free range non-gmo farm fresh eggs from TnF FarmsEggs are nature’s little treasures, offering a taste of purity and nutrition that store-bought options can’t match. TnF Farms specializes these golden gems, exploring their unique qualities and the joys of collecting them straight from the coops.

Eggs are a testament to the health and happiness of the hens that lay them. Their vibrant yolks, rich in flavor, are a reflection of a well-balanced diet and a stress-free environment. We share tips on handling and storing them to preserve their freshness and taste.

From classic scrambled eggs to gourmet omelets and baked goods, farm fresh eggs elevate every dish they grace. We also discuss the ethical and sustainable aspects of raising backyard chickens, fostering a deeper connection between consumers and their food sources.

Tag Archive for: Farm fresh eggs

Poultry Rumors vs Facts

President Ronald Regan made the phrase “trust but verify” famous back in the late 80s. We invited multiple visiting Florida Department of Agriculture inspectors in for a cup of coffee to get the facts. Here are 3 rumors that are not true.

NPIP certified AI clean

This certification ensures that your flock is free from significant poultry diseases, thereby guaranteeing the health and well-being of your birds. Participation is voluntary and the service is FREE in the state of Florida.

Challah French toast

Challah loaves are a way we treat ourselves at TnF Farms. And we often make French toast with it. French toast is a favorite here. Until being introduced to Doering’s Doughs Challah bread, we used Pepperidge Farm or Thomas sweet breads. I was hooked at first taste – we just don’t buy the store bought stuff anymore.

Raising Leghorns in Florida

Raising Leghorn chickens in Florida offers a plethora of advantages, from high egg production and adaptability to disease resistance and cost-efficiency. Whether you’re a seasoned farmer or a newcomer to poultry farming, the Leghorn’s characteristics make it a stellar choice for thriving in the sunny and warm climate of the Sunshine State. As the demand for locally sourced and sustainable eggs continues to rise, the Leghorn proves itself as a reliable and profitable investment for poultry farmers in Florida.

TnF Farms Guide to Raising Chickens

Raising chickens in the southern states offers numerous benefits, including fresh eggs, natural pest control, and the joy of tending to a flock. However, the hot and often humid climate of the South can present unique challenges. In this guide, we’ll explore the essentials of raising chickens in southern states, with a focus on breed selection, care, and tips for success.

Rhode Island Red Chickens

Rhode Island Red chickens, often simply referred to as “Rhode Reds,” are one of the most beloved and iconic chicken breeds in the United States. Known for their exceptional egg-laying abilities, friendly disposition, and rich history, these birds have captured the hearts of poultry enthusiasts and homesteaders for generations. In this detailed article, we’ll explore the history, characteristics, care, and unique features of Rhode Island Red chickens.

Farm Fresh Eggs vs. Commercial Eggs

Eggs have long been a staple in diets worldwide, offering a versatile source of protein, vitamins, and minerals. When it comes to eggs, many consumers face a choice between farm fresh and commercial varieties. In this post, we’ll delve into the health benefits of choosing farm fresh eggs over commercial eggs, shedding light on the factors that make them a wholesome and nutritious choice. At TnF Farms we feed our chickens Non-GMO feed to give the eggs an added health benefit.